fashion color consultations

Did you know, certain colors can make you look older and highlight the dark circles under your eyes? Gah! Luckily, there are also colors that can make you glow, boost your confidence, express your true personality, and make your eyes look brighter. We can help you see the difference and choose the hues that are best suited for you.

If you love red, we’ll find the perfect red tone that will make you look amazing. It might not be cherry red, but it will make you look (and feel) incredible. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

Our owner at CHROMA VIBRANTLY INSPIRED had the privilege to train with one of the foremost color experts in the world (and this expert literally wrote a book on personal colors and personal style.) We’ll use that knowledge and experience, and along with our own professional skill set, we’ll create a custom color palette that is tailored specifically for YOU.

We consider things like skin tone, eyes, lips, and current hair color, but we also focus heavily on your personality, how you’d like to present yourself to the world, and what your favorite colors are!

All we need is a selfie in decent lighting (minimal retouching, please) and a little information. You get your personalized palette crafted in a way that works perfectly for you.

We have a variety of choices to fit within every budget. Our most popular options are our personalized color wheels and color cards. Color cards come in a protective sleeve, fit right in your wallet and will make shopping a breeze. Within our retail shop we offer predeveloped fashion “quick-cards”. They are semi-customized color cards that are already printed and ready to go when you are. If money is tight, we can even select a signature color for you and send you on your way.

let’s get started!